Indie Music Industry – Why Be Independent?

Hi There and Welcome to the Monday post from Music2Tattoos!

While researching for today’s post I came across this fantastic article by Corey Stewart that pretty much covers everything I was looking for! Have a read of the article below:

Indie Music Industry – Why Be Independent?

By Corey Stewart

With the major labels focusing on quick returns rather than artist development and the advent of downloading music online, the traditional record company/artist relationship has become blurred to the point of being obsolete.

Nowadays, being independent has real advantages.

How many times have you heard or read somewhere that the internet has changed the face of the music industry forever? I would love a dollar for every time I heard it.

However, it’s true and there are a number of reasons for this. Two that spring into mind are that:

1. A traditional record company/artist relationship is optional and not a necessity. You can do your all music sales and band promotion online cutting out all of the ‘middle people’.

2. Websites can turn an artist with a local audience into an artist with an international audience. As the internet is not ‘owned’ by any one entity the playing field is a lot more even.

To me, being an independent artist means that you are the one driving the bus and being in control over your own affairs.

A lot of talented artists and performing songwriters around the world are at this very moment waiting for that knock at the door, the opportunity to ‘get discovered’. What is likely to happen is that they will spend their creative lives being very disappointed.

If you are reading this and feel that this is you, consider this…

Where do you think you would be if you managed your career yourself rather than wait for someone (or some company) to do it for you?

There are many sites out in cyberspace that are there to help you take control over your career by spreading practical information about band promotion and the indie music industry as a whole, take advantage of these websites and go to as many as you can

Embrace independence today and gain control over your own musical affairs.

Corey Stewart is a published Singer/Songwriter from Australia who has his own online music marketing business Orangutang Music []

Article Source:—Why-Be-Independent?&id=685696

Wow!! What an article from a published singer/songwriter……….. I trust you found it as interesting as I did! So you’re convinced you need to be and independent music artist and now you need some help in getting your music produced and / or heard…………. below I’ve listed some excellent sites that will help you – Click through to them now and see just how they can help you!

Useful Independent Music Sites

Music Insider

Home Recording Blueprint

Blueprint To Getting Heard

Music Publication

Music 2 Money

Click on the links to head to these sites now and you could be sky-rocketing your independent music career!

That’s it for today, until next time

Remember to Live Life and Have Fun


P.S. if you want some help with promoting your music then I wrote a post a couple of weeks back that might give you the information you are looking for! Click Here Now to view that post

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